City council hears recommendation for Main Street design work 

City Engineer Rich Meredith (center) gave the presentation for the Main Street Revitalization Project. City Manager Jeff Niten (left) and Public Works Director Jesse Hoffman (right) were seated with him.

Among the items presented at the Jan. 25 city council meeting was a staff recommendation that  Perteet, Inc. complete the designs of the Main Street project.

City Engineer Rich Meredith explained that after pandemic-related delays and changes in the project’s size, the City of Mountlake Terrace is ready to “hit the ground running” with Perteet, Inc. to finish phases II and III of the Main Street Revitalization Project.

The estimated cost to complete the design and bid documents for Phase II and the concept development and preliminary engineering for Phase III is $2,682,452. City staff requested a management reserve of $200,000, bringing the total request for this contract to $2,882,452.

The reconstruction of 236th Street Southwest between 56th Avenue West and I-5 was completed during the first phase in 2020; the next step is working on 56th Avenue West improvements between 232nd and 234th Streets Southwest. 

The Phase II design also involves creation of a new roadway –  57th Avenue West – between 236th and 232nd Streets Southwest. Phase III will include a pre-design stage that will help determine the alignment and location of the roadway.

The 56th Avenue West design will prioritize pedestrian and cyclist traffic in the Town Center core with retail and mixed-use development. 

A color-coded map shows the three phases of the Main Street Revitalization Project. (Map courtesy City of Mountlake Terrace)

Meredith said that Perteet would resume design in the right-of-way where the project left off at the end of 2023, with 60% to 90% of the design done.

After delays in 2022 and a fluctuating scope for the Main Street Revitalization Project design, the City of Mountlake Terrace was unable to reach an agreement with the previous consultant to continue the Main Street project work.

“There had been lots of decisions back and forth that reduced the scope and added to the scope,” Meredith said. “When the RAISE grant opportunities became available to us, we realized that adding some scope to the project actually made us more competitive.”

After a review of four proposals in 2023, the city found that Perteet was best aligned with the project’s objectives. Not only can Perteet handle the project’s scope, but the firm can also meet the city’s timeframe. Construction on the project must begin in 2025 for the city to keep its $5 million Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant.

The city council approved a budget of $3,122,636 for this project as part of  the 2023-2024 mid-biennium budget.

The contract is funded through the city’s street construction fund for $1,182,452, City Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) funds for $1,500,000, and the Street Construction Fund providing $200,000, for a total of $2,882,452.

After hearing the presentation, the council agreed to place the item on the Feb. 1 consent calendar for approval.

Zoning changes public hearing scheduled for Feb. 1 meeting.

Community and Economic Development Associate Planner Sara Pizzo answers the city council’s questions about changes to the city’s zoning laws about athletic facilities in residential areas.

In other business, Community and Economic Development Associate Planner Sara Pizzo presented changes to the city zoning code that would allow Forest Crest Athletic Club (FCAC) to renovate some of its buildings.

Pizzo explained that since FCAC was built, the zoning in its location has changed, but the building was grandfathered in for maintenance. However, when the club went to renovate the buildings, it was required to comply with the current zoning codes.

One section of the code states that private athletic facilities are not allowed in single-family residential (RS) zones, which creates a zoning code paradox. How can a recreational facility in a residential zone that doesn’t allow recreational facilities move forward to renovate its buildings and comply with the code?

The proposed changes are not site-specific and would allow private recreation facility uses in RS districts with a conditional-use permit, given specific code criteria are met.

Per the Mountlake Terrace Planning Commission’s direction, city staff and FCAC worked together to revise the original proposal to address concerns about adequately mitigating the impacts private recreation facilities may have on neighboring residences.

An area and street view of Forest Crest Athletic Club shows the places the club wants to renovate. (Images courtesy City of Mountlake Terrace)

A new section is being written for the zoning change to prevent nuisance complaints from neighbors. Criteria include:

– Hours of operation for outdoor activities are restricted to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

– Outdoor recreation facility lighting should be turned off between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.

– Light fixture height maximum shall be determined based on recreation use and addressed through the conditional-use permit review process.

– All lights provided to illuminate parking areas, buildings and outdoor facilities shall be shielded and arranged to direct light away from any adjoining properties.- Fences must comply with city code.

–  A traffic impact analysis is required each time a private recreation facility is proposed in a single-household residential zone as part of the conditional-use permit review.

– A minimum of one off-street loading/unloading space shall be provided.

-Other criteria include rules related to off-street parking, building setbacks, height limits and lot size.  

A Determination of Non-significance for environmental impacts related to the conditional-use permit was issued on Oct. 27, 2023. No agency or public comments have been received on the environmental checklist.

Staff sent the proposal to the Department of Commerce for a 60-day review that ended on Dec. 4, 2023. No comments were received.

Twenty-nine written comments and 13 signatures were received in favor of the proposed text amendment, supporting FCAC’s ability to make major facility updates.

The Mountlake Terrace Planning Commission recommended the city council approve the conditional-use permit.

Also on Thursday night, the council approved proposed changes to the city’s fire code following a public hearing.  

City Manager Jeff Niten reported the news of Don Enochs’ death and offered condolences to Enochs’ family.

During the Jan. 25 manager’s report, City Manager Jeff Niten noted the passing of longtime resident and volunteer Don Enochs, who died the week before.

Niten stated that Enochs was a longtime volunteer and a Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission leader. Also, he served on the commission for several years and was the commission’s chair for three. 

He added that Enoch supported many volunteer and special event activities over the years, even before he joined the board. He also attended city council meetings and helped recognize the Eagle Scouts. 

“We wanted to recognize him and thank him very much for the service to our community,” Niten said.

“He was also really direct in a constructive way and really cared for and loved Mountlake Terrace and all the people in it,” Councilmember Rory Paine-Donovan said. “Don put a lot of time and heart into making sure our community was a healthy and constructive one.”

The council’s next meeting is Thursday, Feb. 1. It will begin at 7 p.m. in Mountlake Terrace City Hall, 23204 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace. To attend the meeting online, visit and enter meeting ID 810 1113 9518; no passcode is needed.

To make a public comment remotely, complete the registration form within 24 hours of the meeting’s start at

To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter the same meeting ID.

You also can view livestreamed meetings and past video recordings at

You can see the complete agenda here.

— By Rick Sinnett

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