We’re less than 2 months away from this November’s election and I am sure you have seen all the political signs that have been coming out in people’s yards over the past several weeks. I thought I would do a quick run down of the city positions that will be on the ballot and an informal survey of where MLTnews readers stand today. There are 7 city council positions. Positions 1-4 are up for election. In the coming weeks we’ll go in to more detail about the candidates. If you are reading this in an email, feed reader, or on Facebook go to the site to see the embedded polls. Feel free to comment on this post with reasons why you’re voting the way you are.
Vote below
Position #1: Incumbent Rick Ryan vs. Ann Nygard
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Position #2: Incumbent Jerry Smith vs. John Zambrano
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Position #3: Doug McCardle vs. Andrew Funk
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Position #4: Incumbent Kyoko Wright vs. Jasmin Contreras
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Here are a few answers to questions you may have about the City Council:
What are the requirements for a City Council member?
They must be a registered voter in the city at the time of filing and a resident of the city at least one year preceding election and be at least 18 years old.
How long is the term?
Council members are elected to staggered 4-year terms
How is the Mayor appointed?
At the first meeting of each even numbered year, the Council elects their Mayor for the following two years. Under the Council-Manager form of government, the Mayor presides at meetings and attends ceremonial events on behalf of the city. Each year, the Council elects a Mayor Pro Tem who serves in the same capacity in the Mayor’s absence.
Do council members get paid?
Yes, City Council members get paid $800 per month. They attend at least four regular meetings per month, serve as liaisons and representatives on several city and intergovernmental boards. They also work with our legislators to try and leverage additional research.
Here is a list of some of the other boards that MLT city council members serve on as representatives of Mountlake Terrace:
- Association of Snohomish County Cities & Towns Executive Board
- AWC (Association of Washington Cities) Legislative Committee
- Community Transit
- ESCA (Emergency Services Coordinating Agency)
- Prosperity Partnership
- SERS (Sno. Co. Emergency Radio System Board)
- SNOCOM 911 Dispatch
- Seashore Transportation Forum
- Snohomish County Executive’s MRD Panel (Mediated Role of Determination) re: Paine Field Expansion
- Snohomish County Housing and Homelessness Policy Oversight Committee
- Snohomish County Tomorrow
- Snohomish Health District
- South Snohomish County Cities
- WRIA Forum 8 (Watershed Planning)
I realize the poll here is obviously very UN-scientific, but I have to say I'm happy that Zambrano has received NO votes (as of this typing). Of course I'm sure someone will vote for him now.In any case, I still have NOT gotten over his treatment of Michelle's husband a year or two ago at a forum, and although I believe he has supported the dog park extensively, I still go back to the 'hat' incident and his condescending and aggressive attitude. Funny, this all fired up again when I ran into Michelle today, by odd chance, and then came to the MLTNews blog tonight… Since that day (the 'Hat' day), I've wanted Zambrano out. I still want him out, and I don't think he's what Mountlake Terrace needs.
I realize the poll here is obviously very UN-scientific, but I have to say I’m happy that Zambrano has received NO votes (as of this typing). Of course I’m sure someone will vote for him now.rnrnIn any case, I still have NOT gotten over his treatment of Michelle’s husband a year or two ago at a forum, and although I believe he has supported the dog park extensively, I still go back to the ‘hat’ incident and his condescending and aggressive attitude. Funny, this all fired up again when I ran into Michelle today, by odd chance, and then came to the MLTNews blog tonight… Since that day (the ‘Hat’ day), I’ve wanted Zambrano out. I still want him out, and I don’t think he’s what Mountlake Terrace needs.
Hey Mark, can you email me at dustindk@MLTnews.com? Since I’ve only lived in MLT for less than 2 years, I only know of some of the past city council drama through newspaper articles. Would love some background info about it all.
Hey Mark, can you email me at dustindk@MLTnews.com? Since I've only lived in MLT for less than 2 years, I only know of some of the past city council drama through newspaper articles. Would love some background info about it all.
Vote for Andrew Funk, a Fresh Voice for Mountlake Terrace:http://www.funkforcouncil.com
Vote for Andrew Funk, a Fresh Voice for Mountlake Terrace:nnwww.funkforcouncil.com
Yes! Andrew is a smart guy and will bring some new ideas to the council…
Yes! Andrew is a smart guy and will bring some new ideas to the council…
In case you have not heard, Jasmin Contreras is an Iraqi Veteran and is active in the community and Hispanic affairs. I had a business class with her; she is bright, a natural leader, and seems to really care about other people. Vote for a new voice!
Thanks Myriam, I did not know this. I will be doing a series of posts highlighting the candidates soon and will definitely add this info for Jasmin.
In case you have not heard, Jasmin Contreras is an Iraqi Veteran and is active in the community and Hispanic affairs. I had a business class with her; she is bright, a natural leader, and seems to really care about other people. Vote for a new voice!
Thanks Myriam, I did not know this. I will be doing a series of posts highlighting the candidates soon and will definitely add this info for Jasmin.
In case you have not heard, Jasmin Contreras is an Iraqi Veteran and is active in the community and Hispanic affairs. I had a business class with her; she is bright, a natural leader, and seems to really care about other people. Vote for a new voice!
Thanks Myriam, I did not know this. I will be doing a series of posts highlighting the candidates soon and will definitely add this info for Jasmin.