City Council to discuss final plat approvals, 236th Street zoning Thursday

The Mountlake Terrace City Council is scheduled to discuss the following items during its Thursday night work/study session:

– Review of a possible update to final plat approval process and whether the city should follow its current procedure — during which the Planning Commission considers and makes a recommendation on the preliminary plat to the City Council. The council then holds a public hearing, and a public meeting to approve the final plat. The council will consider the idea — now authorized following changes to state law — of allowing city staff the ability review and approve final plats.  “In the event that the final plat layout differed substantially from the preliminary layout, or the preliminary conditions of approval have not been satisfied, or the final plat approval criteria are not or cannot be met, the final plat could not be approved administratively,” the council agenda memo notes. In that case, the proposal would either need to be revised or go through another review process by the Planning Commission and a City Council public hearing, the memo added.

– Discussion of zoning on 236th Street. This agenda item reflects a stated desire by the city council to discuss zoning as part of the city’s economic development strategy, given Sound Transit’s construction of a light rail station on 236th. “In addition to Sound Transit’s plan to locate temporary parking on 59th Place, the Council may also want to discuss changes to the Municipal Code to facilitate and focus on office development along the north side of 236th to create a daytime population that would utilize the shops and restaurants envisioned along 56th Avenue.

– Quarterly discussion and update of city council goals

– City council training on Open Public Meetings Act.

The meeting will begin at Mountlake Terrace Interim City Hall, 6100 219th St. S.W., 2nd floor. You can see the complete agenda here.

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