The Mountlake Terrace City Council during its Thursday, April 27 work/study session is scheduled to review a range of agreements and contracts, including a design agreement for the Ballinger Park viewing platform and trails project.
In 2015, the city adopted the Ballinger Park Master Plan which segmented the park into zones — allowing for a phased approach to project planning, funding and installation. The east side of the park is designated as an active areas with water access, a fishing pier and play structure. The athletic fields to the north create a second area for active play with athletic fields suitable for both soccer, baseball and other field activities.
The Ballinger Park viewing platform and trails project is the third zone. Located on the park’s west side, it includes creating pathways and installing a viewing platform for park users to observe wildlife and ecological habitat.
The city published a request for qualifications in January 2023 and received two submittals in response. After evaluation, Berger Partnership was determined qualified and selected to move forward into scope development and contract negotiations, with a proposed cost of $399,939.
In other business, the council is scheduled to review:
— A contract agreement with Otak for $499, 850 to assist with the city’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan update.=
— An interagency grant agreement between the city and the state Department of Commerce
– An interagency agreement between the city and Washington State Department of Commerce related to the city’s 2024 Comprehensive Plan update.
– A proposed vacation of street right-of-way at 236th Street Southwest, east of the intersection of 236th and Van Ry Boulevard. The area is 5,492 square feet, and the adjacent property owner would like to combine the vacated street right-of-way with three adjacent parcels to form a new, larger parcel that could be developed in the future.
– A seventh amendment to a contract with consultant OTAK for light rail consulting services. The cost of the work is reimbursed by Sound Transit.
– A proposed work order with Osborn Consulting Inc. to develop an engineering design, plans and cost estimate for the 218th Street Southwest stormwater tightline project. The project includes installing a pipe to mitigate stormwater drainage issues.
– A resolution to surplus public works equipment.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at Mountlake Terrace City Hall, 23204 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace. To attend a meeting online, go to and enter meeting ID 831 2890 8101 and passcode 98043.
To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter the same meeting ID and passcode.
You also can view live-streamed meetings and past video recordings at
You can see the complete agenda here.
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