January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, and everyone has a role to play. Join Dr. Kirsten Foot, executive director of Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST), to learn how…
Edmonds Waterfront Center
Appointments available for Senior or Disabled Property Tax Exemption workshop Dec. 18, 19
Need help applying for the property tax reduction that moderate-income seniors are eligible for? There are still appointments available on Dec. 18 or 19 at the Edmonds Waterfront Center. Call…
Cascade Symphony presents new fall Chamber Music Concert Nov. 12 at Edmonds Waterfront Center
The Cascade Symphony Orchestra (CSO) will perform the musical works of legendary composers Mozart, Beethoven, Dvorak and others, in a special Chamber Music Concert at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12,…
Reminder: ‘Home Base Hiking Europe’ author Cassandra Overby to speak at Edmonds Waterfront Center Sept. 26
Author of the critically acclaimed Explore Europe on Foot, Cassandra Overby will speak about her new book Home Base Hiking Europe from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26 at the Edmonds Waterfront…
Dragon Boat Festival: Honoring tradition with rowing, music and dance
The first annual Dragon Boat Festival came to Edmonds Thursday for an afternoon of food, dance and music. Sponsored by the Seattle Flying Dragon Boat Club, several community members and…
Schools closed due to icy conditions, prompting city program cancellations, delays
The Edmonds School District canceled school Wednesday due to icy road conditions, and other facilities followed suit. “While some neighborhoods may be fine, others are unsafe for travel today,” the…
Edmonds Waterfront Center, Mountlake Terrace Senior Center join forces
After months of working together to reboot the Mountlake Terrace Senior Center — doing business as the Lake Ballinger Center — the Edmonds Waterfront Center (EWC) and the Lake Ballinger…
Alpinist and author Graham Zimmerman to speak at Edmonds Waterfront Center Nov. 7
How do we reconcile our love of outdoor adventure with the inevitability of loss in high-risk sports? Author and professional climber Graham Zimmerman will talk about this during the latest…
Hundreds celebrate Chuseok at Edmonds Waterfront Center
The smell of barbecued meat, spices and a slight tinge of fermented vegetables filled the lobby of the Edmonds Waterfront Center before the opening of the second annual Chuseok…
Pop-up blood drive at the Edmonds Waterfront Center this week and next
The Edmonds Waterfront Center is hosting a pop-up blood drive from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on these dates: Thursday and Friday, Aug. 24-25, and Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 28-29….
MLT News
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Economic Alliance of Snohomish County summer networking event at Edmonds Waterfront Center Aug. 24
Put on your best Hawaiian shirt and join the Economic Alliance of Snohomish County for an evening of Hawaiian-themed fun from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 24 at the Edmonds Waterfront…
Reminder: Author to speak in Edmonds Feb. 9 about cross-America kayaking journey
Hank Landau — author of The Misadventures of a Cross-America Kayaker, will reflect on his seven-year, 4,700-mile kayaking journey — and the lessons he learned along the way — in a talk…
Reminder: Free vision and hearing screenings at Edmonds Waterfront Center Dec. 13
The Edmonds Waterfront Center is partnering with the Edmonds Lions Club to provide free hearing and vision screenings from 8 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Dec. 13. The Lions Club provides…
Virtual ‘Processing Loss’ workshop offered July 27
Loss is a natural part of every life. Whether it’s a loved one, a pet, your stock portfolio, or your health, loss can be depressing, lonely, and painful. The Edmonds Waterfront…
Medicare open enrollment for 2022 starts Oct. 15 and SHIBA can help
Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period, also called the annual election period, is Oct. 15 to Dec. 7. During this time, people enrolled in Medicare can: Switch from original Medicare to a…
Aging in Place: Resources to help seniors stay at home
I spent some of my elementary and junior high school years in portable classrooms while the state scrambled to build enough schools to educate the Baby Boom Generation. Now a…