Note: This column was first published in April. We are republishing it as a reminder since we are nearing the Aug. 1 primary election. This is shaping up to be…
From the Publisher’s Desk
From the Publisher’s Desk: Reflections as we head into our 13th year
Dear readers: Every October, I receive my annual notice that the domain name I purchased in 2009 — — is renewing for another year. It gives me pause when…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Our commitment to you — and our hope for your support
Dear readers: Last week, I send the following email to those who subscribe to our MLTnews daily newsletter. Several people urged me to repost it here, so that all readers…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Business and politics
Whether you are a business owner or a politician, longevity is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you gain more experience with every passing year and feel more comfortable…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Why I’m grateful for 2020
Dear readers: While I’m happy to welcome 2021, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for all the goodness I saw in 2020. For starters, members of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: 11 years and counting
Eleven. It’s not a particularly magical number — unless it’s the number of years you’ve been slogging through as a community news publisher at possibly the worst time to be a…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Revisiting how we engage with Facebook
For years, I have shared with readers my love-hate relationship with Facebook. Actually, let’s flip that: It’s a hate-love relationship. To explain, everything we post to our news websites is…
Now more than ever, community news matters
Community takes on a different meaning during a pandemic. For more than a month, we’ve been telling the stories of COVID-19 and its impact on our community. They are stories of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Here’s to a new decade — and the end of a one-sided relationship
Dear readers: Welcome to 2020. For me, it’s more than a number. It’s a milestone. For the past decade — with the stalwart support and encouragement of readers and advertisers…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Remember to thank a teacher
In my generation of journalists, nearly everyone I know was influenced by a great high school journalism teacher. Someone who lit a fire under us. Who saw some raw talent…
MLT News
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From the Publisher’s Desk: Gratitude
It’s hard to believe, but we are almost at the end of 2019. And what a year it has been. Since January, we have been recognized for our work in…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Musings from Nashville as our news network starts year 11
A week ago, I returned home from a whirlwind trip to Nashville, Tenn. — this year’s location for the annual gathering of Local Independent Online News publishers. I sit on…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Our virtual dust is starting to settle…
Dear readers: Thanks very much for your patience during the past week as we’ve been working out the glitches that occurred during our website redesign. We still have a few…
From the Publisher’s Desk: I’m ready to push the button — are you?
Sept. 30 2009. That was the date that I pushed the purchase button for the domain name Every year around this time, I’m asked whether I want to renew…
From the Publisher’s Desk: A tale of three cities, and why local news coverage matters
As the publisher of digital news outlets for three neighboring communities in south Snohomish County, I have observed first-hand the strengths, weaknesses and challenges facing all three cities –Edmonds, Lynnwood…
From the Publisher’s Desk: We all can do a ‘little bit of good’
On Wednesday, I attended the YWCA’s 20th anniversary Snohomish County luncheon, featuring keynote speaker Naomi Tutu. The speech was amazing on many levels, coming from a Tutu, the daugher of…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Don’t count on Facebook to deliver your local news
Chances are, you saw this post first on Facebook before you read it here. Facebook drives a fair amount of traffic to our website. But that’s going to change, thanks…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Will you resolve to support community news in MLT in 2018?
Dear Readers: We are about to start 2018, and for me personally, that means six years of covering Mountlake Terrace through MLTnews. For local news organizations like ours, the week…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Local graduates making a difference
Much has been written about today’s young people, and a lot of it hasn’t been terribly positive. Pampered. Spoiled. Unmotivated. Self-centered. The criticism goes on and on. But if the…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Why Net Neutrality matters to local news
It’s likely you’ve seen soundbites lately on Net Neutrality, and an upcoming FCC vote on whether to repeal it. Let me assure you that this is more than a national…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Are you supporting local news — or letting ‘others’ do so?
Many of you won’t read this. You are tired of my “sales pitch” for support. You are too busy to set up a recurring subscription. You figure — like so…
From the Publisher’s Desk: The art of the ask — and the reply
One of my favorite activities at the annual Edmonds Center for the Arts gala is the Heads or Tails contest. Common at many fundraising auctions, during this event participants are…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Giving back and looking ahead
During a recent column regarding the ongoing challenges of local journalism, I pledged to donate 10 percent of all subscriptions through April 30 to help students at our two local…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Publicity, advertising, $10 a month — and all that jazz
These topics have been on my mind for the past few days. Let me explain how they are related. I came across a rather blunt column written by Chris Faraone,…
From the Publisher’s Desk: Let’s get ‘ReadyTogether’
Many of you know that disaster preparedness is one of my favorite causes. Last spring, I worked with Snohomish County Fire District 1 and other organizations to sponsor a “Count…