Brier’s SeaScare set for Wednesday

seascare2 The City of Brier’s 14th annual SeaScare is coming Wednesday, Aug. 12.

The event includes a parade, salmon derby, pie eating contest, beer garden, live music, fire truck display, food drive, book sale and an art and classic car show.

The parade starts at 7 p.m. and begins just north of the library (232nd) and moves south down Brier Road ending just past Brier Realty (23711 Brier Road).

Gather the kids on your block and enter the parade. The theme is scary sea creatures, octopi, pirates, boats, nautical or any sea related idea. All kids, classic car owners and anyone with a great parade idea are encouraged to participate. And, there will be prizes.Click Here – To register on line.

After the parade there will be musical entertainment sponsored by Brier Pizza and Pasta. The Brier Salmon Derby is sponsored by the Fish Market at QFC. This year look for a staff member and get a free ticket to the drawing for the big fish. Must be present to win. The drawing will be held right after the parade – down by Brier Pizza at the announcement booth.

The food drive will benefit Concern for Neighbors Food Bank. Look for the barrel near Jason’s Java. The book sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Brier Library.

Enjoy Special SeaScare sodas at Jason’s Java for $2.50. Right after the parade and Salmon Derby drawing there will be the Pie eating contest -chocolate cream.

For more information see:

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