The Mona Foundation is sponsoring its fourth Annual Edmonds Move4Mona 5K Walk/Run on Saturday, May 11 starting at 10 a.m. at the Edmonds Center for the Arts.
The foundation invites you to walk in support of education, noting that nearly half the world – over 3 billion people – live on less than $6.85/day and 75% of the extremely poor are women and children. Proceeds from the Move4Mona 5K Walk/Run will benefit grassroots initiatives around the world that educate all children, empower women and girls, and emphasize service to the community.
The Edmonds Center for the Arts is located at 410 4th Ave. N. You do not have to be in the walk to donate and can donate now or at any time.
You can register or donate here. Register by April 28 to get your free Move4Mona T-shirt in time for May 1111.
To learn more, visit monafoundation.org.
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