The City of Edmonds is currently completing the design of its portion of the Interurban Trail which, when compete, will eliminate the missing link between the southern end of Mountlake Terrace’s trail at 228th Street SW and the north end of Shoreline’s trail at 76th Avenue West and 244th Street SW. A new paved trail for the shared use of pedestrians and cyclists will be created along 74th Avenue W and McAleer Way. The project is being funded by the City of Edmonds and construction is scheduled to begin mid-2011.
As part of the project, Edmonds also plans to create bike lanes on 76th Avenue W, between 228th and 244th, and on 228th Street SW from the Interurban Trail to 76th Avenue W. The proposed bike lanes on 228th will connect with the west end of Mountlake Terrace’s future Lakeview Trail improvements. The bike lanes will be created by reconfiguring the existing pavement markings on these streets. The restriping is anticipated to take place in early October, 2011.
The section of 228th Street SW that Edmonds proposes to reconfigure lies within three political jurisdictions: Mountlake Terrace, Snohomish County, and Edmonds. The portion within Mountlake Terrace is the north half of the 228th between the west City limit (approximately 180 feet west of 73rd Place W) and the Interurban Trail, a total distance of about 360 feet. Four Mountlake Terrace single family residences are located along this section of 228th. The right of way immediately south of Mountlake Terrace’s portion is in unincorporated Snohomish County. The remainder of the project on 228th Street SW is in the City of Edmonds.
Currently 228th Street SW has two travel lanes and parking on both sides of the street from 76th Avenue W to the Interurban Trail. The City of Edmonds Interurban Trail Project proposes two travel lanes, two bike lanes and parking on one side of the street for this section of roadway. For the section of 228th lying within Snohomish County and Mountlake Terrace right of way, Edmonds proposes that the on-street parking be located on the south side of the roadway which necessitates eliminating parking on the north side. To accomplish this, Edmonds requests Mountlake Terrace’s cooperation and asks that the City restrict on-street parking on the north side of 228th between the west City limit and the Interurban Trail.
To obtain input from citizens about the project, the City of Edmonds held an open house on December 10, 2009. Several residents of Mountlake Terrace attended. During the Question and Answer session, they expressed concerns about sight distance entering 228th Street SW from 73rd if parking were to remain.
On February 7, 2011, the City Council will consider an ordinance to establish parking restrictions on 228th Street SW. The Mountlake Terrace City Council reviewed the following two lane configuration options at their work session on February 3, 2011.
- Option 1: Status Quo – maintain parking on the north side of 228th Street SW from the western City limit to the Interurban Trail, and do not have a bike lane.
- Option 2: Bike Lanes with South Side Parking – bike lanes on both sides of 228th Street SW with parking only on the south side of the roadway – as requested by the City of Edmonds.
City staff have recommended that the Council approve option 2, the elimination of parking on the north side of the street between the Mountlake Terrace west city limit and the Interurban Trail and City of Edmonds’ implementation of lane configuration Option 2, Bike Lanes with South Side Parking, on 228th Street SW.
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