10 Girl Scouts earn Silver Awards for community projects

Silver Award winners from left: Amanda Margo, Stephanie Kha, Lyndsey Gard, Sophie Norenberg, Innana Liaw, Isis Liaw, Penny Campbell. Not pictured: Holland Hornaday, Jessie Tong and Neeva Shrestha. (Photo courtesy Heather Margo)

Ten Girl Scouts from Edmonds-based Troop 41246 were presented Wednesday night with Silver Awards, the second highest honor in Girl Scouts, in part for community projects they completed in Lynnwood and Mountlake Terrace.

The troop, which includes members from Edmonds, Lynnwood and Bothell, is led by Jessica Norenberg. Having 10 Silver Awards presented to girls from a single troop in a given year is a unique achievement, a troop announcement said.

The scouts work for 18-24 months to earn a Silver Award. They are required to learn more about themselves and their community, and then work on projects to improve both.

During the first part, the scouts learned about their own self-esteem, bullying and other issues related to being a tween. They then took their knowledge and talked to younger scouts. This included role playing and activities to show younger scouts about the danger of cliques and bullying, and how to work together to avoid becoming involved in situations that hurt others. In addition, they talked about how to help one another and protect each other from bullies and any dangerous situations.

The next part of the Silver Award required the girls to split into smaller groups and choose a project that they felt would help their community in an area important to them.

The first group was interested in children and families and outdoor community time. Stephanie Kha, Holland Hornaday, Neeva Shrestha and Jessie Tong worked with Mountlake Terrace Parks Department and Carstar Collision to stripe a swing set for Candy Cane Park in Mountlake Terrace. This involved researching, organizing and implementing the process of getting the swing set striped and welcomed by the community.

The second Silver Team was made up of Innana Liaw, Penny Campbell and Lindsey Gard. They worked with the City of Lynnwood to level and put down bark around the new exercise equipment along the Lynnwood portion of the Interurban Trail at 40th Avenue West. They also researched and planted blueberry bushes and other plants around the area to make it more welcoming and safe for users.

The third group of girls worked with PAWS to develop a website to help children and families choose a pet that will be a great addition to their homes. This group was made up of Amanda Margo, Isis Liaw and Sophie Norenberg. The website the scouts designed offers a quiz for the children to take to help them learn more about animal personalities.


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